Saturday, August 18, 2007

Paris, France

In love with all things Paris, I've decided that I am going to learn French. What a hard language to learn! My sister, Danielle, learned it in High School, while I opted to take Interior Design courses. But, my love affair with Paris does not stop at just learning the language. I plan on adding a complete line of tresors` to my website, and hopefully conduct a series of interviews for one of the many books I am writing. I'd like to publish a book with nothing but fabulous women in business, that have beautiful websites and are successful. Inspirational!


Deputy Dawg (Da Double D!) said...

Yo realsherrimitchell. Just in case you happen to ever look on this antiquated blog, just wanted you to know the dawgs stopped by for a visit and to enjoy your lovely story about taking interior design courses. Didn't know they offered those below the 10th grade.

Dawgs out!

Mr. Magoo said...